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The Story of Emily Davison : The Woman Who Died for the Right to Vote - 9781780723648

The Story of Emily Davison : The Woman Who Died for the Right to Vote

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Author: Fitzherbert, Claudia

Children's, Teenage & educational

Published on 6 September 2018 by Short Books Ltd.

Hardback |
198 x 129 | 0g

Emily was angry. She worked as hard as any man, but she couldn't change laws that affected her - laws made by men. Because women didn't have the right to vote. She and the other suffragettes had patiently put their argument to the government, but they were ignored. Now it was time for direct action: arson, bricks through windows, hiding overnight in the House of Commons. Over and over again she was thrown into prison and brutally force-fed through an iron tube. Maybe it would take a suffragette death to bring the government to its senses. At the Derby race-course, as the King's horse came pounding towards her, Emily was prepared to make the biggest sacrifice of all...