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Deviation - 9781782273905


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Author: D'Eramo, Luce, Appel, Anne Milano

Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

Published on 30 January 2020 by Pushkin Press in the United Kingdom.

Paperback | 368 pages
144 x 206 x 24 | 310g

Lucie was brought up by bourgeois parents as a passionate young fascist. At the age of eighteen, she decides to volunteer in the Nazi labour camps in Germany. Wishing to disprove what she sees as the lies that are being told about Nazi-Fascism, she instead encounters the horrors of life there - and is changed completely. Shedding her identity, she joins a group of deportees being sent to Dachau concentration camp.

She escapes the camp in October 1944, and wanders around a Germany devastated by allied bombardments. Then, in February 1945, while helping dig in rubble seeking to rescue survivors, a wall falls on her and she is left paralysed from the waist down.

Translated into English for the first time, Deviation is an autobiographical novel about the repression of memory, and one woman's attempt to make sense of the hell she has lived through.